Mysql Setup

  1. Identify the table name in the following statement.
    INSERT INTO Employee VALUES('Ajit','M',NULL);

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    Correct Option: C

    The ‘INSERT INTO’ clause here inserts a row in the table named ‘student’. The table has three fields. The first field or attribute value in the row/tuple is ‘Kyle’. The second attribute value is ‘M’ and the last attribute is set to NULL.

  1. In the following code, InnoDB is __________.
    CREATE TABLE Employee(
    Emp_name CHAR(30),
    Emp_id INT(10),
    PRIMARY KEY (Emp_id)
    ) ENGINE = InnoDB;

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    Correct Option: C

    ‘InnoDB’ is the name of the ‘storage engine’ for the above table. The ‘ENGINE’ clause is used to specify the name of the storage engine that MySQL should use to handle the table being created. MySQL has several storage engines with its own properties.

  1. The special database that always exists after setting up MySQL in a computer is __________.

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    Correct Option: A

    After installation of MySQL, ‘information_schema’ is the special database that always exists. ‘mysql’ can be seen depending on access rights. It holds the grant tables. ‘sampdb’ and ‘readme_db’ do not exist by default.

  1. What column names are displayed when this command is executed?
    SHOW COLUMNS FROM Table_Name LIKE '%name';

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    Correct Option: C

    The wildcard ‘%’ is used to indicate that any number of characters can replace it. All column names that end in ‘name’ are displayed. Additional information of columns like type and size are listed.

  1. Which of the following clauses is used to display information that match a given pattern?

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    Correct Option: C

    The ‘LIKE’ clause filters information that match a given pattern. ‘WHERE’ clause selects information that is specified by a condition. ‘IS’ is used to match the exact condition specified.