Mysql Compound Statements

  1. The columns containing binary value that include null bytes will not print properly using the %s printf() format specifier.

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    Correct Option: B

    The columns containing binary value including null bytes do not print properly using the %s printf() format specifier. printf() expects a null terminated string. It prints the column value only up to the first null byte.

  1. Which of these has lower memory requirement?
    mysql_use_result(), mysql_store_result()

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    Correct Option: C

    The function ‘mysql_use_result()’ has lower memory requirements than ‘mysql_store_result()’ because only enough space to handle a single row at a time needs to be allocated. This can be faster.

  1. How many of the following take a connection handler as argument?
    mysql_store_result(), mysql_use_result()

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    Correct Option: B

    The functions ‘mysql_store_result()’ and ‘mysql_use_result()’ are similar because both of them take a connection handler argument and then return a result set after carrying out the processes.

  1. mysql_store_result() does not return a result set.

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    Correct Option: A

    The functions ‘mysql_store_result()’ and ‘mysql_use_result()’ are similar because both of them take a connection handler argument and then return a result set after carrying out processes.

  1. How many of the following is considered as a special character by ‘mysql_real_escape_string()’?
    null byte, single quote, backslash

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    Correct Option: A

    The characters that ‘mysql_real_escape_string()’ considers special are the null byte, single quote, double quote, ‘backslash’, ‘newline’, ‘carriage return’ and the ‘Control-Z’.