Data Types

  1. The minimum value stored by signed TINYINT is _____________.

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    Correct Option: C

    MySQL supports the SQL standard integer types INTEGER, or INT, and SMALLINT. As an extension to this standard, MySQL also supports the integer types TINYINT, MEDIUMINT and BIGINT.

  1. Which of these is not an exact numeric type?

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    Correct Option: A

    MySQL supports all the standard SQL numeric data types. These are the exact numeric data types like INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL and NUMERIC and the approximate numeric data types like FLOAT, REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION.

  1. How many of the following do not support ‘BIT’ data type?

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    Correct Option: D

    The BIT data type stores the bit values. It is supported for the MyISAM, MEMORY, InnoDB and NDB tables. MySQL supports all the standard SQL numeric data types, both the exact and approximate.

  1. The statement that suspends the replication related activity of the slave server is _____________.

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    Correct Option: B

    The ‘STOP SLAVE’ and ‘START SLAVE’ statements suspend and resume the replication-related activity of a slave server. These statements are useful for telling the slave to be quiescent.

  1. On Unix, ‘mysql’ client writes a record of executed statements to a history file.

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    Correct Option: B

    On Unix the mysql client writes a record of the executed statements to a history file. By default this file is named as ‘.mysql_history’. It is created in the home directory.