
  1. MySQL does not provide a date type that has an optional time part.

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    Correct Option: B

    In MySQL, there is no data type provided which has an optional time part. The ‘DATE’ type values never have a time part. The ‘DATETIME’ type values must have a time part in them.

  1. What is the best datatype for a column that is expected to store values up to 2 million?

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    Correct Option: A

    The different numeric types used in MySQL are used to store different range of values. To store values of the order of a million, the MEDIUMINT or BIGINT datatype is sufficient.

  1. The datatype that stores the longest length of strings is ______________.

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    Correct Option: B

    In MySQL, the different string datatypes are used to store different lenghts of the string. Here, the length would refer to the number of characters in the string. TEXT stores longer strings.

  1. The security context when a user creates a stored program that accesses sensitive data but forgets that other people who can invoke the object have the same access is __________.

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    Correct Option: C

    The security context is bad if a user creates a stored program that accesses sensitive data but forgets that other people who can invoke the object have the same access to that data as its definer.

  1. Triggers and events are not invoked automatically by the server.

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    Correct Option: A

    The triggers and events are invoked automatically by the server, so the concept of invoking user is not applied. Thus, they have no SQL SECURITY characteristic and always execute with definer privileges.