The Delhi Sultanat

  1. Who was called the Akbar of Kashmir?

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    Zainul Abidin may be regarded as the Akbar of Kashmir. He lacked the Mughul's natural genius, spirit of enterprise, and physical vigour, and his outlook was restricted to the comparatively narrow limits of his kingdom, but he possessed a stock of learning and accomplishments from which Akbar's youthful indolence had, to great extent, excluded him, his views were more enlightened than the emperor's, and he practised a tolerance which Akbar only preached, and found it possible to restrain, without persecution, the bigotry of Muslim zealots.

    Correct Option: D

    Zainul Abidin may be regarded as the Akbar of Kashmir. He lacked the Mughul's natural genius, spirit of enterprise, and physical vigour, and his outlook was restricted to the comparatively narrow limits of his kingdom, but he possessed a stock of learning and accomplishments from which Akbar's youthful indolence had, to great extent, excluded him, his views were more enlightened than the emperor's, and he practised a tolerance which Akbar only preached, and found it possible to restrain, without persecution, the bigotry of Muslim zealots.

  1. The founder of the Bahmani Kingdom was

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    Alauddin Bhaman Shah was the founder of the Bahmani Kingdom. The Bahmani kingdom was founded in 1347 by Hasan Gangu who revolted and proclaimed his independence from the Sultanate. He assumed the title of Alauddin Bahmani. Gulbarga was his capital.

    Correct Option: C

    Alauddin Bhaman Shah was the founder of the Bahmani Kingdom. The Bahmani kingdom was founded in 1347 by Hasan Gangu who revolted and proclaimed his independence from the Sultanate. He assumed the title of Alauddin Bahmani. Gulbarga was his capital.

  1. The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar kingdom was

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    Sangama was the first dynasty of the Vijayanagar kingdom. Harihara and Bukka were the sons of one Sangama of Warrangal. Drenched in poverty due to the Muslim attack in 1323, they had run away from Warrangal and subsequently laid foundations of their own principality Vijayanagar.

    Correct Option: B

    Sangama was the first dynasty of the Vijayanagar kingdom. Harihara and Bukka were the sons of one Sangama of Warrangal. Drenched in poverty due to the Muslim attack in 1323, they had run away from Warrangal and subsequently laid foundations of their own principality Vijayanagar.

  1. Who were the Ashta-diggaja in the court of Krishnadeva Raya?

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    Eight Telugu poets.

    Correct Option: B

    Eight Telugu poets.

  1. Who among the following was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message?

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    Ramananda was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message. He was known for communicating in vernacular Hindi, and accepting disciples of all castes.

    Correct Option: C

    Ramananda was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message. He was known for communicating in vernacular Hindi, and accepting disciples of all castes.