The Delhi Sultanat

  1. Which sects of sufis adopted Yoga?

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    Correct Option: C


  1. Who of the following Rajput rulers gave donation for the reconstruction of mosque?

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    Jaya Singh Siddharaja, Chalukya king of Gujarat was the son of Kama and ascended the throne in 1094 A.D. He gave shelter to many scholars of different religion and castes. He was a Rajput ruler who gave donation of one lac Baltoras (coins) for rebuilding a mosque in Cambay.

    Correct Option: D

    Jaya Singh Siddharaja, Chalukya king of Gujarat was the son of Kama and ascended the throne in 1094 A.D. He gave shelter to many scholars of different religion and castes. He was a Rajput ruler who gave donation of one lac Baltoras (coins) for rebuilding a mosque in Cambay.

  1. The historian Sewell has written a book entitled "A Forgotten Empire". What was the name of empire?

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    Vijayanagar Empire

    Correct Option: D

    Vijayanagar Empire

  1. Jonaraja, in his Rajatarangini continued the narration of Kalhana up to

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    Sultan Zainul Abidin

    Correct Option: C

    Sultan Zainul Abidin

  1. What was Khanqah?

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    Khanqah was the place where Sufi mystics lived. The Sufi masters held their assemblies in their Khanqahs. Devotees of all descriptions including members of the royalty and nobility and ordinary people flocked to these Khanqahs.

    Correct Option: B

    Khanqah was the place where Sufi mystics lived. The Sufi masters held their assemblies in their Khanqahs. Devotees of all descriptions including members of the royalty and nobility and ordinary people flocked to these Khanqahs.