The Delhi Sultanat

  1. Who is known as the Parrot of India?

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    Amir Khusrow is known as the Parrot of India. It was he, who himself called Tuti-e-Hind' (Parrot of India). 'To speak the truth, I am an Indian Parrot. If you want to listen from me some subtle verses, ask me then to recite some of my Hindwi poems." He himself did not collect and preserve his Hindwi poems but made a gift of them to his friends. His poem, Kaliq Bari is a lexicon composed of synonymous words, from four languages, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hindwi.

    Correct Option: C

    Amir Khusrow is known as the Parrot of India. It was he, who himself called Tuti-e-Hind' (Parrot of India). 'To speak the truth, I am an Indian Parrot. If you want to listen from me some subtle verses, ask me then to recite some of my Hindwi poems." He himself did not collect and preserve his Hindwi poems but made a gift of them to his friends. His poem, Kaliq Bari is a lexicon composed of synonymous words, from four languages, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hindwi.

  1. Who among the following Sufi saints witnessed the rule of Seven Sultans of Delhi?

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    Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya (1236 - 1325) gained the popular title Mehboob-i-Ilahi and Sultan-ul-Auliya, he built his Khanqah in Delhi. he was a famous sufi saints of the chisti order. He witnessed the raign of seven sultan in Delhi Amir Khusarow was his follower.

    Correct Option: B

    Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya (1236 - 1325) gained the popular title Mehboob-i-Ilahi and Sultan-ul-Auliya, he built his Khanqah in Delhi. he was a famous sufi saints of the chisti order. He witnessed the raign of seven sultan in Delhi Amir Khusarow was his follower.

  1. To whom did Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya bestow the title of 'Ain-i--Hind' (Mirror of India)?

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    Sheikh Sirajuddin Usmani.

    Correct Option: B

    Sheikh Sirajuddin Usmani.

  1. What was the religion of the king Krishnadeva Raya?

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    Correct Option: A


  1. In which capacity, thousands of women were employed in the empire of Vijaynagar?

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    Thousands of women were employed in the empire of Vijayanagar. As accountants, royal bodyguard and palace guards.

    Correct Option: D

    Thousands of women were employed in the empire of Vijayanagar. As accountants, royal bodyguard and palace guards.