General knowledge miscellaneous
- Which of the following is called the ‘Mother of Parliaments’?
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The British model of parliament, known as the Westminster Model, is held up as the “Mother of all Parliaments”. It is an expression coined by the British politician and reformer John Bright in a speech at Birmingham on 18 January 1865.
Correct Option: D
The British model of parliament, known as the Westminster Model, is held up as the “Mother of all Parliaments”. It is an expression coined by the British politician and reformer John Bright in a speech at Birmingham on 18 January 1865.
- The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) Is located at
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The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), located in Bangkok, Thailand, is the regional arm of the United Nations Secretariat for the Asian and Pacific region. It was established in 1947 (then as the ECAFE) to encourage economic cooperation among its member states. The name was changed to the current in 1974.
Correct Option: B
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), located in Bangkok, Thailand, is the regional arm of the United Nations Secretariat for the Asian and Pacific region. It was established in 1947 (then as the ECAFE) to encourage economic cooperation among its member states. The name was changed to the current in 1974.
- The origin of the phrase “United Nations” is associated with one of the following personalities-
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US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first suggested using the name United Nations to refer to the Allies of World War II. Roosevelt suggested the term to Winston Churchill who cited Byron’s use of the phrase “united nations” in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, which referred to the Allies at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Franklin Roosevelt adopted the name and the first official use of the term occurred on January 1, 1942 with the Declaration by the United Nations.
Correct Option: B
US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first suggested using the name United Nations to refer to the Allies of World War II. Roosevelt suggested the term to Winston Churchill who cited Byron’s use of the phrase “united nations” in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, which referred to the Allies at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Franklin Roosevelt adopted the name and the first official use of the term occurred on January 1, 1942 with the Declaration by the United Nations.
- Match the following :
Countries Sports (i) Australia a. Bull fighting (ii) U.S.A. b. Ice hockey (iii) Spain c. Cricket (iv) Japan d. Base ball e. Ju Jitsu
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Bull fighting: Spain; Cricket: Australia; and Baseball: United States; and Ju Jitsu: Japan.
Correct Option: C
Bull fighting: Spain; Cricket: Australia; and Baseball: United States; and Ju Jitsu: Japan.
- The world’s first woman Prime Minister was
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Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike was a Sri Lankan politician and the modern world’s first female head of government. She served as Prime Minister of Ceylon and Sri Lanka three times, 1960–65, 1970– 77 and 1994–2000, and was a long-time leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.
Correct Option: B
Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike was a Sri Lankan politician and the modern world’s first female head of government. She served as Prime Minister of Ceylon and Sri Lanka three times, 1960–65, 1970– 77 and 1994–2000, and was a long-time leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.