General knowledge miscellaneous

  1. Which is the hub of the global trade in ‘cut-flowers’ ?

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    Holland is the main hub in the global trade of cut flowers and ornamental plants, and has created efficient supply chains that are able to deliver a flower in New York, that has been cut the very same day in the Netherlands. True to the entrepreneurial Dutch character, nurseries have been set up in countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia and Dutch farmers are also producing flowers and bulbs in France.

    Correct Option: A

    Holland is the main hub in the global trade of cut flowers and ornamental plants, and has created efficient supply chains that are able to deliver a flower in New York, that has been cut the very same day in the Netherlands. True to the entrepreneurial Dutch character, nurseries have been set up in countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia and Dutch farmers are also producing flowers and bulbs in France.

  1. Which Group of Companies purchased the shares of VSNL diversted by the Government of India, in 2002, for a strategic partner ?

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    VSNL was privatised in February, 2002 in favour of TCIL, a Tata, for Rs 1,439.25 crore. Including the earlier withdrawal, the government received Rs 3,689 crore for disinvested equity of 25 per cent held in VSNL. In March 2011, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal triggered a fresh controversy ordering a probe into the disinvestment of erstwhile VSNL during the NDA regime in favour of Tatas.

    Correct Option: C

    VSNL was privatised in February, 2002 in favour of TCIL, a Tata, for Rs 1,439.25 crore. Including the earlier withdrawal, the government received Rs 3,689 crore for disinvested equity of 25 per cent held in VSNL. In March 2011, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal triggered a fresh controversy ordering a probe into the disinvestment of erstwhile VSNL during the NDA regime in favour of Tatas.

  1. Which State does not yet have a Software Technology Park ?

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    ‘Software Technology Parks of India’ (STPI) is a government agency in India, established in 1991 under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, that manages the Software Technology Park scheme. It is an export oriented scheme for the development and export of computer software, including export of professional services.

    Correct Option: C

    ‘Software Technology Parks of India’ (STPI) is a government agency in India, established in 1991 under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, that manages the Software Technology Park scheme. It is an export oriented scheme for the development and export of computer software, including export of professional services.

  1. Of the oil refineries at the following locations which one is still under construction ?

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    Guru Gobind Singh Refinery (GGSR) is a refinery owned by Hindustan Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL) a joint venture between HPCL and Mittal Energy Limited, a company owned by L N Mittal (HMEL). It is located in village Phulokheri, Bhatinda, Punjab, India. The work for refinery started in 2008 and the refinery became operational in March 2012

    Correct Option: E

    Guru Gobind Singh Refinery (GGSR) is a refinery owned by Hindustan Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL) a joint venture between HPCL and Mittal Energy Limited, a company owned by L N Mittal (HMEL). It is located in village Phulokheri, Bhatinda, Punjab, India. The work for refinery started in 2008 and the refinery became operational in March 2012

  1. For oil and gas security India has invested in production fields abroad. In which of the following production companies do the Indian PSUs hold shares ?

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    Sakhalin is a consortium to locate and produce oil and gas on Sakhalin Island and immediately offshore, in the Okhotsk Sea, from three fields: Chayvo, Odoptu, and Arkutun-Dagi. India’s ONGC managed to secure a commitment for a 23 per cent stake in Russia’s Sakhalin III project in 2003. The gigantic Sakhalin-I fields in far east Russia is India’s single largest investment abroad.

    Correct Option: B

    Sakhalin is a consortium to locate and produce oil and gas on Sakhalin Island and immediately offshore, in the Okhotsk Sea, from three fields: Chayvo, Odoptu, and Arkutun-Dagi. India’s ONGC managed to secure a commitment for a 23 per cent stake in Russia’s Sakhalin III project in 2003. The gigantic Sakhalin-I fields in far east Russia is India’s single largest investment abroad.