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Electric circuits miscellaneous

  1. In the circuit shown in the given figure, steadystate was reached when the switch S was open. The switch was closed at t = 0. The initial value of the current through the capacitor 2C is 12 Amp

    1. zero
    2. 1 amp
    3. 2 amp
    4. 3 amp
Correct Option: A

Initial voltage on 2C = 12 volts

Then,discharging current, Id(t) =
2C.12 e(-t.3 / 8C)

Then , Id(t) t = 0| = -24C ×
. e(-t.3 / 8C)

= -9 amp
Now, charging current, Ic(t) =
24C1 - e(-3t / 8C)

= -9 amp
At t = 0, Ic(t) = 9 amp.
Hence, at t = 0
total current I(t) = Ic(t) + Id(t) = 0 amp.

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