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Electric circuits miscellaneous

  1. A circuit consisting of a 1Ω resistor and a 2 F capacitor in series is excited from a voltage source with the voltage expressed as 3e – 4, as shown in the given figure. If i(0) and Vc (0) both are zero, then values of i(0+) and i(∞) will be respectively

    1. 3 A and 1.5 A
    2. 1.5 A and zero
    3. 3 A and zero
    4. 1.5 A and 3A
Correct Option: C

I(s)R +
Css + 1

⇒ I(s) =
(s + 1)(RCs + 1)(s + 1)(2s + 1)

Then , i(t) = Z-1 I(s) = Z-1
(s + 1){s + (1 / 2)}

i (t) = 6e– t – 3e– t / 2
∴ i (∞) = 3A, I(0) = 0

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