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Electric circuits miscellaneous

  1. When two coupled coils of equal self-inductance are connected in series in one way the net inductance is 12 mH, and when they are connected in the other way, the net inductance is 4 mH. The maxiumum value of net inductance when they are connected in parallel in a suitable way is _________ mH
    1. 3 mH
    2. 5 mH
    3. 9 mH
    4. 10 mH
Correct Option: A

As, 2L + 2M = 12
2L – 2M = 4
Then, L = 4
⇒ M = 2
To get maximum value in parallel connection,

Lmax =
(L + M)(L + M)
= 3 mH.
2L + 2M

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