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Signals and systems electrical engineering miscellaneous

  1. Let S be the set of points in the complex plane corresponding to the unit circle. (That i s, S = {z: | z| = 1}. Consider the function f(z) = zz* where z* denotes the complex conjugate of z. The f(z) maps S to which one of the following in the complex plane
    1. Unit circle
    2. Horizontal axis line segment from origin to (1, 0)
    3. The point (1, 0)
    4. The entire horizontal axis
Correct Option: C

ƒ(Z) = Z.Z*
where Z* is conjugate of Z
∴ ƒ(Z) = | Z|²
= 1 + i.0
∴ ƒ(Z) maps S to the point (1, 0) in the complex plane

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