A signal x(t) = sinc (αt) where α is a real constant
sin c (x) = sin (πx) πx
is the input to a Linear Time invariant system whose impulse response h(t) = sinc (βt) where β is a real constant.
If min (α , β) denotes the minimum of α and β, and similarly max (α , β) denotes the maximum of α and β, and K is a constant, which one of the following statements is true about the output of the system ?
- It will be of the form K sin (γt) where γ = min (α , β)
- It will be of the form K sin c (γt) wher γ = max (α , β)
- It will be of the form K sinc (αt)
- It cannot be a since type of signal
Correct Option: A