Home » Verbal Reasoning » Logical Connectivity » Question

Direction: Compound Statement:
Type 1: "If X then Y and Z"
This statement implies that:
(i) (X → Y and Z)
(ii) (~ Y or/and ~ Z → ~ X)
Type 2: "If X then Y or Z" or "Whenever X then Y or Z"
This statement implies that:
(i) (X → Y or Z)
(ii) (~ Y and ~ Z → ~ X)
(iii) X and ~ Y → Z)
(iv) X and ~ Z → Y)
Type 3: "Unless X , Y and Z" or "Either X or Y and Z"
This statement implies that:
(i) (~ X → Y or Z)
(ii) (~ Y or/and ~ Z → X)
Type 4: "Only if X then Y and Z"
This statement implies that:
(i) (Y and Z → X)
(ii) ( ~ X → ~ Y and/or ~ Z)
Each question consists of a main statement followed by 4 statements in the answer options. From the given options select the one that logically follow the main statement.

  1. If you study then you will pass the exam and will get a good girlfriend .
    1. You did not study then you will not pass the exam or will not get a good girlfriend.
    2. You did not pass the exam and did not get a good girlfriend implies that you did not study.
    3. You passed the exam and also got a good girlfriend implies that you have studied.
    4. None of these
Correct Option: B

This is of type 1:- "If X then Y and Z"
This statement implies that:
(i) (X → Y and Z)
(ii) (~ Y or/and ~ Z → ~ X) given in option B

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