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Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer

  1. Statement:
    None of the bank unions could comprehend that the information technology wave was unstoppable and unless banks learn to swim along with the tide, they would be swept away.
    Conclusions :
    I. There shall come a time when banks will be rendered redundant by the advent of information technology.
    II. Information technology is yet to make its impact on the banks.
    1. if only conclusion I follows
    2. if only conclusion II follows
    3. if either I or II follows
    4. if neither I nor II follows, and
    5. if both I and II follow
Correct Option: D

I does not follow . It is not banks that will become redundant but certain methods used in banks. II is also false: the ''wave '' has already come. Note that the sentence uses the verb in the past tense-''could''.

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