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Direction: Each of the questions given below have two statement - I and II. Mark the answer from (a) to (e), depending on the cause and effect relationship between the two statements.

  1. I. The chief minister left no stone unturned to spruce up and ready the state capital to welcome the delegates to the investor's summit.
    II The state wants industrialist to invest in industrial projects, so as to develop an industrial culture and generate jobs in the state.
    1. If I is the immediate cause and II is its effect.
    2. If II is the immediate cause and I is its effect.
    3. If I is the effect but II is not its direct/immediate cause.
    4. If II is the effect but I is not its direct/immediate cause.
    5. If both I and II are effects of independent cause.
Correct Option: B

We get answer by constructing the phrase: Because II therefore I.

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