Table chart

Direction: Study the following table and answer the question given below:

  1. In the art faculty number of students who have opted the course of stenography is how much percent of the total student in the faculty?

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    Required percentage = (25 + 120) x 100/536

    Correct Option: A

    Required percentage = (25 + 120) x 100/536 = 100≈ 27

  1. The total number of students who have opted the course of Business Management and the course of Stenography exceeds the number of students studying in typewriting course by:

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    ∵ Number of students in Business Management course = 160
    Number of students in typewriting course = 261
    Number of students in stenography course = 215

    Correct Option: A

    ∵ Number of students in Business Management course = 160
    Number of students in typewriting corse = 261
    Number of students in stenography corse = 215
    ∴ Requied percent = (160 + 215 - 261/261) x 100 ≈ 44%

  1. In which of the following courses, percentage of girls is the highest?

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    Percentage of girls in Business Management course = (25 + 25) x 100/160 = 31.25
    Percentage of girls in typewriting course = (23 + 20) x 100/261 = 16.47
    Percentage of girls in stenography course = (25 + 12) x 100/215 =12.56
    And percentage of girls in typewriting and stenography course = (12 + 3) x 100/120 = 12.50

    Correct Option: B

    Percentage of girls in Business Management course = (25 + 25) x 100/160 = 31.25
    Percentage of girls in typewriting course = (23 + 20) x 100/261 = 16.47
    Percentage of girls in stenography course = (25 + 12) x 100/215 =12.56
    And percentage of girls in typewriting and stenography course = (12 + 3) x 100/120 = 12.50
    Hence, it is clear from the above that percentage of girls in Business Management course is the highest,

Direction: Study the following table carefully and answer the question given below.

  1. What is the respective ratio of the number of the adult females to the total number of female children staying in all the societies together?

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    In society A:
    Number of children = 25/100 x (250 + 350) = 1/4 x 600 = 150
    Number of male children = 40/100 x 150 = 60
    Number of female children = 150 - 60 = 90
    Similarly calculate for other society also.

    Correct Option: B

    In society A:
    Number of children = 25/100 x (250 + 350) = 1/4 x 600 = 150
    Number of male children = 40/100 x 150 = 60
    Number of female children = 150 - 60 = 90
    In society B:
    Number of children = 40/100 x (400 + 150) = 2/5 x 550 = 220
    Number of male children = 75/100 x 220 = 165
    Number of female children = 220 - 165 = 55
    In society C:
    Number of children = 16/100 x (300 + 275) = 4/25 x 575 = 92
    Number of male children = 25/100 x 92 = 23
    Number of female children = 92 - 23 = 69
    In society D:
    Number of children = 25/100 x (280 + 300) = 1/4 x 580 = 145
    Number of male children = 80/100 x 145 = 116
    Number of female children = 145 - 116 = 29
    In society E:
    Number of children = 40/100 x (180 + 250) = 2/5 x 430 = 172
    Number of male children = 50/100 x 172 = 86
    Number of female children = 172 - 86 = 86
    In society F :
    Number of children = 24/100 x (325 + 300) = 6/25 x 625 = 150
    Number of male children = 46/100 x 150 = 69
    Number of female children = 150 - 69 = 81
    Hence, total number of female children = 90 + 55 + 69 + 29 + 86 + 81 = 410
    Total Number of adult female = (350 + 150 + 275 + 300 + 250 + 300) - 410
    = 1625 - 410 = 1215
    Hence, required ratio = 1215 : 410 = 283 : 82

  1. What is the respective ratio of the total number of adult males in the societies A and B together to the total number of adult males in the societies E and F together?

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    Total number of adult males in the society A and B = (250 + 400) - (60 + 165)
    Total number of adult males in the society E and F = (280 + 325) - (86 + 69)

    Correct Option: B

    Total number of adult males in the society A and B= (250 + 400) - (60 + 165) = 650 - 225 = 425
    Total number of adult males in the society E and F = (280 + 325) - (86 + 69) = (180 + 325) - (86 + 69) = 505 - 155 = 350
    Hence, required ratio = 425 : 350 = 17 : 14