Chemistry miscellaneous
- An example of heterocyclic compound is
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A heterocyclic compound is a cyclic compound that has atoms of at least two different elements as members of its ring (s). Furan is a heterocyclic organic compound, consisting of a five-membered aromatic ring with four carbon atoms and one oxygen.
Correct Option: B
A heterocyclic compound is a cyclic compound that has atoms of at least two different elements as members of its ring (s). Furan is a heterocyclic organic compound, consisting of a five-membered aromatic ring with four carbon atoms and one oxygen.
- The pH of lemon juice is expected to be
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The pH level of lemon juice is, 2.00 to 2.60. It varies depending on the lemon. pH expresses different levels of acidity or alkalinity within a solution
Correct Option: C
The pH level of lemon juice is, 2.00 to 2.60. It varies depending on the lemon. pH expresses different levels of acidity or alkalinity within a solution
- The gas causing acid rain in an industrial area is
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The main gases responsible for causing acid rain are sulphur dioxide as well as nitrous oxides. The main sources of sulphur dioxide are metal working industries and coal-fired power stations whereas nitrous oxide is from vehicles and fuel combustion.
Correct Option: C
The main gases responsible for causing acid rain are sulphur dioxide as well as nitrous oxides. The main sources of sulphur dioxide are metal working industries and coal-fired power stations whereas nitrous oxide is from vehicles and fuel combustion.
- Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city ?
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Lead pollution primarily came from cars in the past. Today, lead pollution primarily comes from lead smelters, metal processing plants and incinerators. Deposits of lead in soil can harm both humans and animals by absorbing it into a body.
Correct Option: C
Lead pollution primarily came from cars in the past. Today, lead pollution primarily comes from lead smelters, metal processing plants and incinerators. Deposits of lead in soil can harm both humans and animals by absorbing it into a body.
- The gas used to dilute oxygen for breathing by deep sea divers is:
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Helium is used since it has very low (almost nonexistent) narcotic properties. The nitrogen in air is highly narcotic at depth and adding helium allows one to dive without the effects of narcosis (where one's mind is impaired).
Correct Option: D
Helium is used since it has very low (almost nonexistent) narcotic properties. The nitrogen in air is highly narcotic at depth and adding helium allows one to dive without the effects of narcosis (where one's mind is impaired).