Ancient history miscellaneous

  1. Who among the following was not a physician?

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    Charvaka is a system of Indian philosophy that assumes various forms of philosophical skepticism and religious indifference. It is characterized as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought. While this branch of Indian philosophy is today not considered to be part of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, some describe it as an atheistic or materialistic
    philosophical movement within Hinduism. It emerged as an alternative to the orthodox Hindu schools, as well as a philosophical predecessor to subsequent or contemporaneous nastika philosophies such as Ajivika, Jainism and Buddhism.

    Correct Option: C

    Charvaka is a system of Indian philosophy that assumes various forms of philosophical skepticism and religious indifference. It is characterized as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought. While this branch of Indian philosophy is today not considered to be part of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, some describe it as an atheistic or materialistic
    philosophical movement within Hinduism. It emerged as an alternative to the orthodox Hindu schools, as well as a philosophical predecessor to subsequent or contemporaneous nastika philosophies such as Ajivika, Jainism and Buddhism.

  1. ‘Prince of Pilgrims’ was the name attributed to

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    'Prince of pilgrims' Hieun Tsang, the well-known Chinese traveller was a Buddhist scholar who visited India in the 7th century A.D., (630-644 A.D). He came to India to visit all the places connected with the life of the Buddha, to further his knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and to collect Buddhist manuscripts. The writings of this `prince of pilgrims` gives historians much authentic information about the political, social, economic and religious conditions of those days and in particular about the status of Buddhism in various kingdoms.

    Correct Option: B

    'Prince of pilgrims' Hieun Tsang, the well-known Chinese traveller was a Buddhist scholar who visited India in the 7th century A.D., (630-644 A.D). He came to India to visit all the places connected with the life of the Buddha, to further his knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and to collect Buddhist manuscripts. The writings of this `prince of pilgrims` gives historians much authentic information about the political, social, economic and religious conditions of those days and in particular about the status of Buddhism in various kingdoms.

  1. Varahamihira is

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    Varahamihira was an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer who lived in Ujjain. He is considered to be one of the nine jewels of the court of legendary ruler Vikramaditya (thought to be the Gupta emperor Chandragupta II Vikramaditya).

    Correct Option: D

    Varahamihira was an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer who lived in Ujjain. He is considered to be one of the nine jewels of the court of legendary ruler Vikramaditya (thought to be the Gupta emperor Chandragupta II Vikramaditya).

  1. Who was the court poet of Harsha Vardhana ?

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    Banabhatta was the Asthana Kavi in the court of King Harshavardhana, who reigned in the years c. 606–647 AD in north India. His principal works include a biography of Harsha, the Harshacharita and one of the world's earliest novels, Kadambari.

    Correct Option: C

    Banabhatta was the Asthana Kavi in the court of King Harshavardhana, who reigned in the years c. 606–647 AD in north India. His principal works include a biography of Harsha, the Harshacharita and one of the world's earliest novels, Kadambari.

  1. The Great Bath of Indus Valley Civilization is found at;

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    The Great Bath is one of the best known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjo-daro in Sindh, Pakistan. It is called as "earliest public water tank of the ancient world".Archaeological evidence indicates that it was built in the 3rd Millenium BC.

    Correct Option: B

    The Great Bath is one of the best known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjo-daro in Sindh, Pakistan. It is called as "earliest public water tank of the ancient world".Archaeological evidence indicates that it was built in the 3rd Millenium BC.