Ancient history miscellaneous
- Where was the first Buddhist Council held ?
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The first Buddhist Council was held at Rajgir in 483 BC during the reign of Ajatasatru. It was presided by Mahakassapa.
Correct Option: C
The first Buddhist Council was held at Rajgir in 483 BC during the reign of Ajatasatru. It was presided by Mahakassapa.
- The school of arts developed during the Kushan Period with the mixture of Indian and Greek style is known as
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Gandhara School of art shows Greek influence, therefore, it is known as Indo-Greek art. The important features of this school are :
(i) Buddha is shown as Roman and Greek gods
(ii) Moustache and beard are added to Buddha’s face
(iii) The figures of this school follow a given ratio between the size of the face and rest of the body.
During first and second century blue grey schist stone was used to make idols.Correct Option: C
Gandhara School of art shows Greek influence, therefore, it is known as Indo-Greek art. The important features of this school are :
(i) Buddha is shown as Roman and Greek gods
(ii) Moustache and beard are added to Buddha’s face
(iii) The figures of this school follow a given ratio between the size of the face and rest of the body.
During first and second century blue grey schist stone was used to make idols.
- Who among the following, propounded the theory of zero ?
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Aryabhatta was an Indian astronomer and mathematician. He is credited with the invention of Algebra and the theory of zero. India’s first satellite, Aryabhatta was named after him.
Correct Option: C
Aryabhatta was an Indian astronomer and mathematician. He is credited with the invention of Algebra and the theory of zero. India’s first satellite, Aryabhatta was named after him.
- Which inscription mentions about the village administration under the Cholas ?
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A tenth century inscription on a temple wall of the brahman village of Uttaramerur gives the details of village administration under Cholas.
Correct Option: B
A tenth century inscription on a temple wall of the brahman village of Uttaramerur gives the details of village administration under Cholas.
- Mention the centre of the Roman trade during the Sangam Age.
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The important towns of Chera dynasty were Musiri, Tondi, Bandar and Vanji. Roman built a temple of Augustus at Musiri.
Correct Option: D
The important towns of Chera dynasty were Musiri, Tondi, Bandar and Vanji. Roman built a temple of Augustus at Musiri.