Ancient history miscellaneous

  1. “Harsha Charita” was written by

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    The Harshacharita, is the biography of Indian Emperor Harsha by Banabhatta, also known as Bana, who was a Sanskrit writer of 7th century in India. He was the 'Asthana Kavi', meaning 'Court Poet', of King Harsha.

    Correct Option: B

    The Harshacharita, is the biography of Indian Emperor Harsha by Banabhatta, also known as Bana, who was a Sanskrit writer of 7th century in India. He was the 'Asthana Kavi', meaning 'Court Poet', of King Harsha.

  1. The capital of Kanishka was :

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    The Kushan king Kanishka, who reigned from at least 127 AD, moved the capital from Pushkalavati (now called Charsadda in the Peshawar valley) to Purushapura (Peshawar) in the 2nd century AD. Following this move by the Kushans, Peshawar became a great center of Buddhist learning even though Zoroastrianism, Hindusim and animism seem to have survived in the majority population.

    Correct Option: A

    The Kushan king Kanishka, who reigned from at least 127 AD, moved the capital from Pushkalavati (now called Charsadda in the Peshawar valley) to Purushapura (Peshawar) in the 2nd century AD. Following this move by the Kushans, Peshawar became a great center of Buddhist learning even though Zoroastrianism, Hindusim and animism seem to have survived in the majority population.

  1. In which language were the Buddhist-texts ‘Pitakas’ composed ?

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    Tripitaka is the collection of the teachings of the Buddha over 45 years in the Pali language, and it consists of Sutta - conventional teaching, Vinaya - disciplinary code, and Abhidhamma - moral psychology. Tripitaka is the main categories of texts that make up the Buddhist canon.

    Correct Option: C

    Tripitaka is the collection of the teachings of the Buddha over 45 years in the Pali language, and it consists of Sutta - conventional teaching, Vinaya - disciplinary code, and Abhidhamma - moral psychology. Tripitaka is the main categories of texts that make up the Buddhist canon.

  1. Who was called India’s Napoleon because of his victories ?

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    Samudragupta, ruler of the Gupta Empire, and successor to Chandragupta-I, is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history according to Historian V. A. Smith. He was called the Napoleon of India because he wanted to conquer more and more.

    Correct Option: D

    Samudragupta, ruler of the Gupta Empire, and successor to Chandragupta-I, is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history according to Historian V. A. Smith. He was called the Napoleon of India because he wanted to conquer more and more.

  1. Buddhism in Nepal was introduced during the reign of

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    As a Buddhist emperor, Ashoka sent many prominent Buddhist monks (bhikshus) Sthaviras like Madhyamik Sthavira to modern Kashmir and Afghanistan; Maharaskshit Sthavira to Syria, Persia / Iran, Egypt, Greece, Italy and Turkey; and Massim Sthavira to Nepal. He built a number of stupas, Sangharama, viharas, chaitya, and residences for Buddhist monks all over South Asia and Central Asia. The Asokan pillar at Lumbini, Nepal speaks about Asoka and his works.

    Correct Option: B

    As a Buddhist emperor, Ashoka sent many prominent Buddhist monks (bhikshus) Sthaviras like Madhyamik Sthavira to modern Kashmir and Afghanistan; Maharaskshit Sthavira to Syria, Persia / Iran, Egypt, Greece, Italy and Turkey; and Massim Sthavira to Nepal. He built a number of stupas, Sangharama, viharas, chaitya, and residences for Buddhist monks all over South Asia and Central Asia. The Asokan pillar at Lumbini, Nepal speaks about Asoka and his works.