Evolution (Zoology)
- Darwin’s theory of pangenesis shows similarity with theory of inheritance of acquired characters then what shall be correct according to it?
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According to both the views, 'something' is passed from parent to offspring which causes development of specific characters.
Correct Option: B
According to both the views, 'something' is passed from parent to offspring which causes development of specific characters.
- Similarities in organism with different genotype indicates
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Microevolution is a series of changes within a species due to gene mutations and accumulation of variations. Macroevolution is evolution in which taxa higher than the level of species are formed due to morphological and cytological changes. Formation of different functional forms of a basically similar structure is called divergent evolution.
Correct Option: C
Microevolution is a series of changes within a species due to gene mutations and accumulation of variations. Macroevolution is evolution in which taxa higher than the level of species are formed due to morphological and cytological changes. Formation of different functional forms of a basically similar structure is called divergent evolution.
- Some bacteria are able to grow in Streptomycin containing medium due to
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Prevention of mating between two natural populations of the same or different spaces due to presence of barriers to interbreeding is called reproductive isolation. Genetic drift is the random change in the allele number and frequency in a gene pool. Natural selection is a type of force for evolutionary processes. Here, in this case, it allows the growth of only those bacteria which have resistance towards streptomycin.
Correct Option: A
Prevention of mating between two natural populations of the same or different spaces due to presence of barriers to interbreeding is called reproductive isolation. Genetic drift is the random change in the allele number and frequency in a gene pool. Natural selection is a type of force for evolutionary processes. Here, in this case, it allows the growth of only those bacteria which have resistance towards streptomycin.
- Genetic drift operates only in
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Genetic drift can operate only on smaller populations where its fluctuation can be observed in the proportion of allele distribution in the presence of external disturbances. Genetic drift is the random change in allele number and frequency in a gene pool.
Correct Option: A
Genetic drift can operate only on smaller populations where its fluctuation can be observed in the proportion of allele distribution in the presence of external disturbances. Genetic drift is the random change in allele number and frequency in a gene pool.
- In which condition the gene ratio remains constant for any species?
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Mutation is any random sudden heritable change occurring in the genetic material. Sexual selection refers to selection of a mate by an organism.
Correct Option: B
Mutation is any random sudden heritable change occurring in the genetic material. Sexual selection refers to selection of a mate by an organism.