Digestion and Absorption

  1. Most of the fat digestion occurs in

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    Although traces of fat digesting enzyme (gastric lipase) have been reported but due to its very little concentration, it is unable to start fat digestion in stomach. Fat digestion starts in duodenum with the help of bile salts & pancreatic juice but completes in small intestine.

    Correct Option: D

    Although traces of fat digesting enzyme (gastric lipase) have been reported but due to its very little concentration, it is unable to start fat digestion in stomach. Fat digestion starts in duodenum with the help of bile salts & pancreatic juice but completes in small intestine.

  1. Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by

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    Enterogestrone is a hormone secreted by intestinal mucosa and it has an inhibitory effect on gastric juice from gastric glands in stomach.

    Correct Option: D

    Enterogestrone is a hormone secreted by intestinal mucosa and it has an inhibitory effect on gastric juice from gastric glands in stomach.

  1. Inhibition of gastric and stimulation of gastric, pancreatic and bile secretions are controlled by hormones

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    Inhibition of gastric juice secretion is done by a hormone (secreted by the intestinal mucosa) called enterogastrone while stimulation of gastric juice secretion is done by the hormone gastrin secreted by the pyloric stomach mucosa. On the other hand pancreatic & bile secretions are controlled by a hormone complex cholecystokinin pancreozymin (CCK-PZ) secreted by the intestinal mucosa.

    Correct Option: B

    Inhibition of gastric juice secretion is done by a hormone (secreted by the intestinal mucosa) called enterogastrone while stimulation of gastric juice secretion is done by the hormone gastrin secreted by the pyloric stomach mucosa. On the other hand pancreatic & bile secretions are controlled by a hormone complex cholecystokinin pancreozymin (CCK-PZ) secreted by the intestinal mucosa.

  1. Renin acts on

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    Renin acts on milk protein casein & changes it into paracasein spontaneously precipitating into insoluble calcium paracaseinate, forming solid curd or coagulated milk. Renin is present in the gastric juice and hence works in highly acidic pH (due to HCl) in stomach (about 1-3 pH) and is absent in adult human being.

    Correct Option: D

    Renin acts on milk protein casein & changes it into paracasein spontaneously precipitating into insoluble calcium paracaseinate, forming solid curd or coagulated milk. Renin is present in the gastric juice and hence works in highly acidic pH (due to HCl) in stomach (about 1-3 pH) and is absent in adult human being.

  1. The enzyme enterokinase helps in the conversion of

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    The enzyme enterokinase (enteropeptidase) helps in the conversion of trypsinogen (inactive form of another enzyme) into trypsin (active form of the enzyme) for protein digestion in the intestine.

    Correct Option: B

    The enzyme enterokinase (enteropeptidase) helps in the conversion of trypsinogen (inactive form of another enzyme) into trypsin (active form of the enzyme) for protein digestion in the intestine.