Digestion and Absorption
- A patient is generally advised to specially, consume more meat, lentils, milk and eggs in diet only when he suffers from
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A child may have a diet containing sufficient carbohydrates and fats but still suffers a serious form of malnutrition. This form of malnutrition is known as Kwashiorkor. It develops in children whose diets are deficient in protein. When the first child is weaned (not accustomed to food other than its mother’s milk) after the second is born, its primary supply of protein (the mother’s milk) is lost. If the new diet is very low in protein the needs of the growing individual this disease develops. All the food stuff eg. milks, lentils, meat and eggs are rich in proteins.
Correct Option: B
A child may have a diet containing sufficient carbohydrates and fats but still suffers a serious form of malnutrition. This form of malnutrition is known as Kwashiorkor. It develops in children whose diets are deficient in protein. When the first child is weaned (not accustomed to food other than its mother’s milk) after the second is born, its primary supply of protein (the mother’s milk) is lost. If the new diet is very low in protein the needs of the growing individual this disease develops. All the food stuff eg. milks, lentils, meat and eggs are rich in proteins.
- Which group of three of the following five statements (a-e) contain is all three correct statements regarding beri-beri?
(A) a crippling disease prevalant among the native population of sub-Saharan Africa;
(B) a deficiency disease caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin B1)
(C) a nutritional disorder in infants and young children when the diet is persistently deficient in essential protein;
(D) occurs in those countries where the staple diet is polished rice;
(E) the symptoms are pain from neuritis, paralysis, muscle wasting, progressive oedema, mental deterioration and finally heart failure;
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Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes Beri Beri disease. Beri Beri disease was discovered by Eijkman in 1897. He observed that the disease occured mainly in people existing on a polished rice diet. This disease is rare in the western world because of food habits and food enrichment. Beri beri disease is characterized by loss of apetite and weight and vigour, retarted growth, degeneration of nerves, muscle atrophy, and even paralysis, weakened heart beat and failure.
Correct Option: A
Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes Beri Beri disease. Beri Beri disease was discovered by Eijkman in 1897. He observed that the disease occured mainly in people existing on a polished rice diet. This disease is rare in the western world because of food habits and food enrichment. Beri beri disease is characterized by loss of apetite and weight and vigour, retarted growth, degeneration of nerves, muscle atrophy, and even paralysis, weakened heart beat and failure.
- Which one of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease?
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Fat soluble vitamins are - A, D, E and K and lack of vitamin A causes xerophthalmia.
Correct Option: A
Fat soluble vitamins are - A, D, E and K and lack of vitamin A causes xerophthalmia.
- When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from:
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If breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from Marasmus. It is a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet. This disease is more common in very poor countries. It often occurs during a drought or other natural calamities, or during political unrest. These conditions are responsible for a lack of food, which leads to malnutrition.
Correct Option: D
If breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from Marasmus. It is a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet. This disease is more common in very poor countries. It often occurs during a drought or other natural calamities, or during political unrest. These conditions are responsible for a lack of food, which leads to malnutrition.
- Release of pancreatic juice is stimulated by
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Cholecystokinin is a hormone which is secreted by the duodenal wall. It causes the release of bile by the contraction of the gall bladder & increases the enzyme release process of pancreatic cells. The pancreatic juice enterokinase is an ‘activator enzyme’ which is present in the intestinal juice (success entericus) and converts the inactive proenzyme trypsinogen to active trypsin enzyme. Secretin is also a hormone and causes the release of sodium bicarbonate in the pancreatic juice.
Correct Option: B
Cholecystokinin is a hormone which is secreted by the duodenal wall. It causes the release of bile by the contraction of the gall bladder & increases the enzyme release process of pancreatic cells. The pancreatic juice enterokinase is an ‘activator enzyme’ which is present in the intestinal juice (success entericus) and converts the inactive proenzyme trypsinogen to active trypsin enzyme. Secretin is also a hormone and causes the release of sodium bicarbonate in the pancreatic juice.