8085 microprocessor miscellaneous

8085 microprocessor miscellaneous

8085 Microprocessor

  1. The ____ number of address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048 × 4 memory chip

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    Correct Option: D


  1. An output device is interfaced with 8-bit microprocessor 8085A. The interfacing circuit is shown in figure

    The interfacing circuit makes use of 3 Line to 8 Line decoder having 3 enable lines E1 ,E2 ,E3. The address of the device is

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    To enable 3L × 8L decoder, three enable lines E1 (which is connected as an output of AND-gate)
    should be HIGH and E2 and E3 should be active low, it means I0/m should be active low which is indicating that it is memory mapped I/O interfacing. So address of the device will be in 16-bits. To select output port through decoder 2nd line the status of A15 (I2) A14(I1) A13(I0) = 010 and to enable decoder through E1 enable line A12 = 1 and A11 = 0 and by default as a starting address other address lines (A10......A0) shold be zero. So, overall port address is

    Correct Option: B

    To enable 3L × 8L decoder, three enable lines E1 (which is connected as an output of AND-gate)
    should be HIGH and E2 and E3 should be active low, it means I0/m should be active low which is indicating that it is memory mapped I/O interfacing. So address of the device will be in 16-bits. To select output port through decoder 2nd line the status of A15 (I2) A14(I1) A13(I0) = 010 and to enable decoder through E1 enable line A12 = 1 and A11 = 0 and by default as a starting address other address lines (A10......A0) shold be zero. So, overall port address is

  1. A portion of the main program to call a subroutine SUB in an 8085 environment is given below. :

    It is desired that control be returned to LP + DISP + 3 when the RET instruction is executed in the subroutine. The set of instructions that precede the RET instruction in the subroutine are

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    Correct Option: C


  1. In an 8085 microprocessor, the contents of the Accumulator, after the following instructions are executed will become
    XRA A
    MVIB F0H
    SUB B

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    XRA A
    A ← 00
    B ← F0
    SUB B
    A ← A – B
    A ← A + (2’s complement to B)
    A = 00000000
    B = 11110000
    2’s complement of B = 00010000
    ∴ A + B = (10)H

    Correct Option: D

    XRA A
    A ← 00
    B ← F0
    SUB B
    A ← A – B
    A ← A + (2’s complement to B)
    A = 00000000
    B = 11110000
    2’s complement of B = 00010000
    ∴ A + B = (10)H

  1. An input device is interfaced with Intel 8085A microprocessor as memory mapped I /O. The address of the device is 2500H. In order to input data from the device to accumul at or, the sequence of instructions will be

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    L × 1 H, 2500H: the data 2500H is loaded into HL pair
    MOV A,M: the content of memory location whose address is in HL pair, is moved to accumulator. So finally input data from device is moved to accumulator.

    Correct Option: A

    L × 1 H, 2500H: the data 2500H is loaded into HL pair
    MOV A,M: the content of memory location whose address is in HL pair, is moved to accumulator. So finally input data from device is moved to accumulator.