8085 microprocessor miscellaneous

8085 microprocessor miscellaneous

8085 Microprocessor

  1. Which one of the following statements regarding the INT (interrupt) and the BRQ (but request) pins in a CPU is true?

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    Interrupt is sampled after every machine cycle and Bus request pin is sampled after every instruction cycle.

    Correct Option: A

    Interrupt is sampled after every machine cycle and Bus request pin is sampled after every instruction cycle.

  1. An advantage of memory interfacing is that

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    Correct Option: B


  1. Return from a subroutine is affected by

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    Correct Option: C


  1. The process of causing an unplanned branching operation to occur, usually initiated by external system is called

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    Correct Option: C


  1. WAIT states are used

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    Correct Option: A
