Spotting Errors

Direction: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The alphabet number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, then the answer is E.

  1. Myself and Ganesh (A)/ will take care of (B)/ the function (C)/ on Sunday (D)/ No error(E).

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    Say, 'Ganesh and I'. Reflexive pronoun (like-myself) cannot be used as such.

    Correct Option: A

    Say, 'Ganesh and I'. Reflexive pronoun (like-myself) cannot be used as such.

  1. The SP declared that those who are found (A)/ guilty of breach of law (B)/ or taking the law into their hands (C)/ they will be taken to task (D)/No error(E).

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    Delete 'they', it is superfluous

    Correct Option: D

    Delete 'they', it is superfluous

  1. In spite of a thoroughly search (A)/ of the business premises, the (B)/ tax authorities could not find (C)/ any incriminating documents (D) No error (E).

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    Change 'Thoroughly' to 'thorough'.

    Correct Option: A

    Change 'Thoroughly' to 'thorough'.

  1. Hardly as i stepped (A)/ out of my house when (B) I saw some policemen (C)/ coming towards my house (d)/ No error (E).

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    This is a case of 'Inversion'. Place 'had' after 'hardly' and delete 'as'.

    Correct Option: A

    This is a case of 'Inversion'. Place 'had' after 'hardly' and delete 'as'.

  1. Swati has such a fine (A)/ memory that she can (B)/ recollect anything what (C)/ happened many years ago (D)/ No error (E).

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    Change ' what' to 'that'. Relative pronoun 'that'. is used after 'anything', 'nothing'.

    Correct Option: C

    Change ' what' to 'that'. Relative pronoun 'that'. is used after 'anything', 'nothing'.