Selecting Words

Direction: Select the most appropriate set of words from the given choices to fill in the blanks.

  1. ___ about prolonged power cuts in urban areas, the authorities have decided to ___ over to more reliable and eco-friendly systems to run its pumps.

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    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Concerned - switch

    Correct Option: D

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Concerned about prolonged power cuts in urban areas, the authorities have decided to switch over to more reliable and eco-friendly systems to run its pumps.

  1. Although it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, ___________ refuse to go away from the mind.

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    The given statement is probably mentioning a 50-year old movie that was very moving, and the speaker is saying that (s) he hasn’t forgotten those horrifying images yet. Option (b) is correct, because ‘its’ makes the sentence more clear, as the pronoun ‘its’ refers to the movie and those images are described as ‘haunting’ which means that the images in the movie were disturbing and disquieting. Option (a) is wrong, because ‘the’ instead of ‘its’ makes the sentence ambiguous by not relating to the preceding clause. Option (c) is wrong, because the images were not ‘haunted’. ‘Haunted’ is used to describe something that is troubled, not what is troubling. Option (d) is wrong, because ‘haunt’ as a noun only means a frequently visited place.
    The correct word is given as :-
    its haunting images

    Correct Option: B

    The given statement is probably mentioning a 50-year old movie that was very moving, and the speaker is saying that (s) he hasn’t forgotten those horrifying images yet. Option (b) is correct, because ‘its’ makes the sentence more clear, as the pronoun ‘its’ refers to the movie and those images are described as ‘haunting’ which means that the images in the movie were disturbing and disquieting. Option (a) is wrong, because ‘the’ instead of ‘its’ makes the sentence ambiguous by not relating to the preceding clause. Option (c) is wrong, because the images were not ‘haunted’. ‘Haunted’ is used to describe something that is troubled, not what is troubling. Option (d) is wrong, because ‘haunt’ as a noun only means a frequently visited place.
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Although it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, its haunting images refuse to go away from the mind.

  1. My inward petition was instantly _______________. First, a delightful cold wave descended over my back and under my feet, ________________ all discomfort.

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    (a) Acknowledged (accepted), banishing (removing): appropriate. (b) infuriating (angering): inappropriate. (c) exacerbating (making worse): inappropriate. (d) decimated (annihilated): inappropriate.

    Correct Option: A

    (a) Acknowledged (accepted), banishing (removing): appropriate. (b) infuriating (angering): inappropriate. (c) exacerbating (making worse): inappropriate. (d) decimated (annihilated): inappropriate.
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    My inward petition was instantly acknowledged. First, a delightful cold wave descended over my back and under my feet, banishing all discomfort.

  1. Though one eye is kept firmly on the___________, the company now also promotes ___________ contemporary art.

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    ‘One eye is kept’ means that some (not full) attention or concern is shown. So, logically, option (b) is correct, because the company has kept an eye on the future. Though they are concerned about the future, yet the company does promote what is popular and liked at the present time. We can easily make out why the other options are wrong.
    The correct word is given as :-
    future, popular

    Correct Option: B

    ‘One eye is kept’ means that some (not full) attention or concern is shown. So, logically, option (b) is correct, because the company has kept an eye on the future. Though they are concerned about the future, yet the company does promote what is popular and liked at the present time. We can easily make out why the other options are wrong.
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Though one eye is kept firmly on the future, the company now also promotes popular contemporary art.

  1. More is ___________ of conditions of the tribals in Maharashtra than ___________ conditions of those in the other parts of the country.

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    known, of

    Correct Option: B

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    More is known of conditions of the tribals in Maharashtra than of conditions of those in the other parts of the country.