Direction: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate appropriate number (1, 2, 3). If there is No error, indicate corresponding number (4) as your answer.

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    more than will not be used because –
    exceed and more than mean the same.
    Use of more than is superfluous.
    Look at the examples given below :
    The essay should not exceed 250 words.
    The essay should not be more than 250 words.
    The sentence can also be written thus –
    ⇒ The short story should not be more than two hundred words.

    Correct Option: C

    more than will not be used because –
    exceed and more than mean the same.
    Use of more than is superfluous.
    Look at the examples given below :
    The essay should not exceed 250 words.
    The essay should not be more than 250 words.
    The sentence can also be written thus –
    ⇒ The short story should not be more than two hundred words.

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    at will replace by because –
    Shocked always agrees with at (Prep.)
    at is used with Adjectives for showing the cause of something.
    Look at the examples given below :
    They were impatient at the delay.
    She was delighted at the result.
    Here, shocked is the Adj. and it is indicating the Cause (reason) of the actress’s shock.
    Hence, at the news of her dog’s death is the right usage

    Correct Option: C

    at will replace by because –
    Shocked always agrees with at (Prep.)
    at is used with Adjectives for showing the cause of something.
    Look at the examples given below :
    They were impatient at the delay.
    She was delighted at the result.
    Here, shocked is the Adj. and it is indicating the Cause (reason) of the actress’s shock.
    Hence, at the news of her dog’s death is the right usage

Direction: Read each of the following sentences to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of it. The number of that part is the answer. If there is No error your answer is (4), i.e. No error

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    by will replace with because –
    by (Prep.) is used for indicating the agent/object after a Passive Verb
    Agent/Object ® his friend
    Passive Verb ® accompanied
    With (Prep.) indicates being in the company of
    Look at the examples given below :
    His friend stayed with him in the hospital.
    He was knocked down by a bus.
    Hence, by his friend is the right usage

    Correct Option: C

    by will replace with because –
    by (Prep.) is used for indicating the agent/object after a Passive Verb
    Agent/Object ® his friend
    Passive Verb ® accompanied
    With (Prep.) indicates being in the company of
    Look at the examples given below :
    His friend stayed with him in the hospital.
    He was knocked down by a bus.
    Hence, by his friend is the right usage

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction

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    for will replace since because –
    for (Prep.) indicates a length of time
    Since (Prep.) indicates a past time until a later time, or until now
    Look at the examples given below :
    I have lived in Bangalore for twenty-five years.
    I had been living in Bangalore since 1964.
    Hence, for ten years before moving to their present house is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    for will replace since because –
    for (Prep.) indicates a length of time
    Since (Prep.) indicates a past time until a later time, or until now
    Look at the examples given below :
    I have lived in Bangalore for twenty-five years.
    I had been living in Bangalore since 1964.
    Hence, for ten years before moving to their present house is the right usage.

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction

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    In/from will replace into because –
    in (Prep.) is used for indicating within a place
    from (Prep.) is used for indicating source/origin
    into (Prep.) is used for indicating entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place
    Look at the examples given below :
    He walked into the room.
    The train was coming from Australia.
    They were bringing drugs in India, for which they were punished.
    Prosecute (Verb) : to officially charge somebody with a crime in court
    Hence, in/from Australia is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    In/from will replace into because –
    in (Prep.) is used for indicating within a place
    from (Prep.) is used for indicating source/origin
    into (Prep.) is used for indicating entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place
    Look at the examples given below :
    He walked into the room.
    The train was coming from Australia.
    They were bringing drugs in India, for which they were punished.
    Prosecute (Verb) : to officially charge somebody with a crime in court
    Hence, in/from Australia is the right usage.