MySQL Database Operations

  1. The log that identifies statements that may be in need of being rewritten for better performance is ______________.

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    Correct Option: B

    The purpose of the slow-query log is to help the identification of statements that may be in need of being rewritten for better performance. This helps in query optimizations.

  1. The logging option to enable binary log index file is ______________.

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    Correct Option: D

    The ‘–log-bin-index’ is the logging option that enables the binary log index file. ‘–log-error’ enables the error log file. Similarly, –log enables the general log file.

  1. The default value in seconds in the system variable ‘long_query_time’ is ______________.

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    Correct Option: D

    The server maintains a ‘long_query_time’ system variable that defines slow queries (10 seconds by default). If a query takes more than these seconds of real time it is considered slow.

  1. Usage of aggregates in WHERE clause is not allowed.

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    Correct Option: B

    The usage of aggregates inside ‘WHERE’ clauses is not allowed. For example, the following statement will not work : ‘SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE attribute_name = MAX(attribute_name)’, because the MAX value is not known yet.

  1. The log that contains a record of server startups and shutdowns and the messages about exceptional conditions is ______________.

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    Correct Option: C

    The error log contains a record of server startups and shutdowns and the messages about problems or exceptional conditions. If the server fails to start this log provides the help.