International Organisations

  1. Where is the headquarters of INTERPOL?

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    The headquarters of INTERPOL are located in Lyons. INTERPOL was established in 1923 with headquarters in Paris. After a terrorist bomb blast in May 1986, the headquarters were shifted to Lyons.

    Correct Option: C

    The headquarters of INTERPOL are located in Lyons. INTERPOL was established in 1923 with headquarters in Paris. After a terrorist bomb blast in May 1986, the headquarters were shifted to Lyons.

  1. Headquarters of World Health Organisation are situated at

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    Headquarters of World Health Organisation are situated at Geneva. Regional Offices : Alexandria, Brazzaville, Copenhagen, Manila, New Delhi and Washington.

    Correct Option: C

    Headquarters of World Health Organisation are situated at Geneva. Regional Offices : Alexandria, Brazzaville, Copenhagen, Manila, New Delhi and Washington.

  1. Find the odd one out;

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    NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organisation EEC : European Economic Community ASEAN : Association of South East Asian Nations. NATO is a military alliance.

    Correct Option: B

    NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organisation EEC : European Economic Community ASEAN : Association of South East Asian Nations. NATO is a military alliance.

  1. Which of the following countries is not a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)?

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    Iran is not a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

    Correct Option: D

    Iran is not a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

  1. Non-alignment basically implies:

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    Non-alignment basically implies neutrality towards power blocs. Non-Aligned Movement was founded in 1961 and its first summit was held in Belgrade. The basic principles of NAM are to keep away, as far as possible, from the power blocs.

    Correct Option: B

    Non-alignment basically implies neutrality towards power blocs. Non-Aligned Movement was founded in 1961 and its first summit was held in Belgrade. The basic principles of NAM are to keep away, as far as possible, from the power blocs.