Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

  1. Green-house effect is the heating up of earth's atmosphere due to

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    Infrared rays is the cause of Green house effect. The glass transmits visible light and short infrared rays which are absorbed by plants. Then it emits long infrared rays, which are reflected back by glass.

    Correct Option: B

    Infrared rays is the cause of Green house effect. The glass transmits visible light and short infrared rays which are absorbed by plants. Then it emits long infrared rays, which are reflected back by glass.

  1. Which of the following is positively charged?

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    α rays contain Helium nuclei which contains 2 unit of positive charge.

    Correct Option: A

    α rays contain Helium nuclei which contains 2 unit of positive charge.

  1. The frequencies of X-rays, γ-rays and ultraviolet rays are respectively a, b, and c. Then​​

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    ​γ rays has lowest wavelength and highest frequency among them while ultraviolet ray has highest wavelength and lowest frequency. ​Order of frequency : b > a > c

    Correct Option: B

    ​γ rays has lowest wavelength and highest frequency among them while ultraviolet ray has highest wavelength and lowest frequency. ​Order of frequency : b > a > c

  1. Which one of the following electromagnetic radiations has the smallest wavelength?​​

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    Rays Wavelength [Range in m]
    X-rays1 × 10–11 to 3 × 10–8
    γ-rays6 × 10–14 to 1 × 10–11
    Microwaves 10–3 to 0.3
    Radiowaves 10 to 104

    Wavelength of U.V. Rays ranges from
    6 × 10–8 to 4 × 10–7 .

    Correct Option: C

    Rays Wavelength [Range in m]
    X-rays1 × 10–11 to 3 × 10–8
    γ-rays6 × 10–14 to 1 × 10–11
    Microwaves 10–3 to 0.3
    Radiowaves 10 to 104

    Wavelength of U.V. Rays ranges from
    6 × 10–8 to 4 × 10–7 .

  1. The structure of solids is investigated by using ​​

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    X-rays are used for the investigation of structure of solids.

    Correct Option: B

    X-rays are used for the investigation of structure of solids.