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Signal and systems miscellaneous

Signals and Systems

  1. The spectral density of a random signal is given by π[δ(ω – ω0) + δ(ω + ω0)]. The auto-correlation function of the signal is—
    1. cos ω0τ
    2. sin ω0τ
    3. cos [(ω – ω0)τ]
    4. sin [(ω – ω0)τ]
Correct Option: A

We know that spectral density of is the Fourier transform of autocorrelation function.
Let the autocorrelation function Rxx.
(A) Rxx(τ) = cos ω0τ

Rxx(τ) =
e– jω0T + e– jω0T

or Sxx(ω) = ∫– ∞ Rxx e– jωτ
or Sxx(ω) = ∫– ∞
e– jω0τ + e– jω0τ
e– jωτ

or Sxx(ω) = π[δ(ω – ω0) + δ(ω + ω0)]
(by using frequency shifting property)
There, no need to solve other alternative. This is the correct answer.

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