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Signal and systems miscellaneous

Signals and Systems

  1. If [f(t)] = F(s), then [f(t – T)] is equal to—
    1. esTF(s)
    2. e– sTF(s)
    3. F(s)
      1 + esT
    4. F(s)
      1 – esT
Correct Option: B

Given that,
if f(t) = F(s)
Then Fourier transform of f(t – T) can be obtained by using time shifting property.
F(t – T) = ∫–∞f(t – T)e– jωt ·dt
Putting, x = t – T
⇒ t = x + T
dx = dt
= ∫–∞ f(x)e– jω(x + T)dx
= e– jωT–∞ f(x).e– jωxdx
= e– jωT F.(s)
= e– sT F.(s)
Hence, alternative (B) is the correct choice.

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