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Signal and systems miscellaneous

Signals and Systems

  1. If y(t) + y(τ) x(t – τ )dτ = S(t) + x(t) then y(t) is—
    1. u(t)
    2. δ(t)
    3. r(t)
    4. 1
Correct Option: B

y(t) +y(τ) x(t – τ )dτ = δ(t) + x(t) …(A)

L.H.S. = y(t) +y(τ) x(t – τ )dτ

= y(t) + y(t) * x(t)
If we compare the equation with R.H.S part of equation (A), we conclude that
y(t) = δ(t) {∵ x(t) * δ(t) = x(0)}

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