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  1. What does Abu Ghraib remind you?
    1. Suicide bomb attacks on the US Forces
    2. Mistreatment and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers
    3. Capture of Saddam Hussein by the US Forces from a hole in Iraq
    4. Shia uprising in Iraq after American occupation
Correct Option: B

Beginning in 2004, human rights violations in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture, sodomy, and homicide of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq (also known as Baghdad Correctional Facility) came to public attention. These acts were committed by military police personnel of the United States Army together with additional US governmental agencies. Revealed in the Taguba Report, an initial criminal investigation by the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command had already been underway, where soldiers of the 320th Military Police Battalion had been charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice with prisoner abuse. In 2004, articles describing the abuse, including pictures showing military personnel appearing to abuse prisoners, came to public attention, when a 60 Minutes II news report (April 28) and an article by Seymour M. Hersh in The New Yorker magazine (posted online on April 30 and published days later in the May 10 issue) reported the story.

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