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  1. Which amidst the following is not there in Kofi Annan’s proposals, of March, 2005, to overhaul the UN?
    1. Establish a fund to provide money and technical assistance to countries seeking to establish or strengthen democracy.
    2. Rich countries should establish a time-table to earmark 0.7% of the GNP for development assistance by 2015.
    3. Increase the number of Permanent Members of the Security Council with Veto power from 15 to
    4. None of these
Correct Option: C

On March 21, 2005, Annan presented a progress report, ‘In Larger Freedom’, to the UN General Assembly. Annan recommended Security Council expansion and a host of other UN reforms. This report focused on reforms to renew and streamline the organization of the United Nations, face chronic problems and strengthen systems to expedite fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals. Annan’s proposals included a recommendation to expand the 15member Security Council to 24 to make it more representative of the whole world and the “geopolitical realities of today.”

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