Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when arranged in the proper sequence, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter/number. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. For he married for the fourth time when he was over forty.
    B. His loyalty to the State was well known.
    C. But he was incorruptible and had earned a name for strict impartiality in his family as well as outside.
    D. My father was a lover of his clan, truthful, brave and generous, but short-tempered.
    E. To a certain extent he might have been given to carnal pleasures.
    1. B D C A E
    2. D B C A E
    3. D E A C B
    4. B C D E A
Correct Option: C


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