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Direction: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from amongst the given choices so as to form a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. The U.S. market will continue to be the dominant one in the foreseeable future. The rupee could become even stronger.
    B. A greater recourse to hedging as well as striving for multi-currency revenue streams automatically suggests itself.
    C. Already one company, TCS, by resorting to these methods extensively has turned in an above average performance during the first quarter.
    D. Most IT companies have been grappling with more mundane problems such as a high level of attrition amidst rising wage costs and inability to secure the right type and number of American visas.
    E. The BPO industry and many medium-sized software exporters are reportedly operating on thin margins.
    1. B C A D E
    2. A B C D E
    3. D C B A E
    4. E D A B C
Correct Option: D

On arranging the correct paragraph formation as :-
E is the opening sentence and is followed by D, where E discusses the problems by BPO and software companies and D tells about the more mundane problems. Further ABC is the right sequence, ‘hedging’ in B is derived from the currency changes discussed in A. ‘These methods’ in C refers to B.Therefore , correct answer is E D A B C .

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