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  1. Which of the following oceans does not have a north south submarine ridge ?
    1. Indian ocean
    2. Atlantic ocean
    3. Arctic ocean
    4. Pacific ocean
Correct Option: D




    June 21, 2018 Reply

    Submarine ridges are formed due to the presence of a divergent plate boundary which leads magma to flow from Asthenosphere to the ocean floor. Now, the Pacific tectonic plate doesn't have any rift or divergence, due to which it lacks mid-oceanic submarine ridges. However, there are hotspot areas which have led to the formation of islands like 'Hawaii'.

    The Pacific Ocean is tough famous of deep-sea trenches which are formed due to subduction of the Pacific plate along its eastern and western boundaries. Mariana Trench, Philippine Trench, Peru-Chile Trench, etc have formed due to this subduction.

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