Mid Atlantic Ridge is a submarine ridge formed due to divergent plate boundary in the middle of Atlantic ocean running north-south. Due to plate divergence, magma flows from Asthenosphere to the surface. This ridge is almost 16,000 km long running between Iceland in the north to Bouvet Island in the south.
The northern part of this ridge is known as 'Dolphin Rise' while the part south of the equator is known as 'Challenger Rise'.
June 21, 2018Mid Atlantic Ridge is a submarine ridge formed due to divergent plate boundary in the middle of Atlantic ocean running north-south. Due to plate divergence, magma flows from Asthenosphere to the surface. This ridge is almost 16,000 km long running between Iceland in the north to Bouvet Island in the south.
The northern part of this ridge is known as 'Dolphin Rise' while the part south of the equator is known as 'Challenger Rise'.