- Which of the following is not an operating system?
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A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time. Although frequently associated with multiprogramming, multiuser operating system does, not imply multiprogramming or multitasking.
Correct Option: A
A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time. Although frequently associated with multiprogramming, multiuser operating system does, not imply multiprogramming or multitasking.
- In programming, repeating some statements is usually called
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Looping is used in programming to save the tedium of many repetitive tasks. One of the main uses of loops in programs is to carry out repetitive tasks. A loop executes one or more lines of code (statements) as many times as one wants.
Correct Option: C
Looping is used in programming to save the tedium of many repetitive tasks. One of the main uses of loops in programs is to carry out repetitive tasks. A loop executes one or more lines of code (statements) as many times as one wants.
- Who is the founder of “Facebook” which is currently the No.1 social networking website in India?
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Mark Elliot Zuckerburg is an American computer programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the social networking website Facebook.
Correct Option: D
Mark Elliot Zuckerburg is an American computer programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the social networking website Facebook.
- Identify the LIFO (Last In First Out) structure among the following:
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In computer science, LIFO refers to the way items stored in some types of data structures are processed. A LIFO structure can be illustrated with the example of a stack of trays. The term in computing generally refers to the abstract principles of list processing and temporary storage, particularly when there is a need to access the data in limited amounts, and in a certain order.
Correct Option: A
In computer science, LIFO refers to the way items stored in some types of data structures are processed. A LIFO structure can be illustrated with the example of a stack of trays. The term in computing generally refers to the abstract principles of list processing and temporary storage, particularly when there is a need to access the data in limited amounts, and in a certain order.
- Sun Lab’s Java Car uses ....... technology to keep your car networked with the world outside.
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The Sun Labs skunk works have found the use of computers and networks in the car, using Java, Solaris/Linux, and embedded systems. The car track is embedded with real-time Java sensor technology.
Correct Option: A
The Sun Labs skunk works have found the use of computers and networks in the car, using Java, Solaris/Linux, and embedded systems. The car track is embedded with real-time Java sensor technology.