Chemistry miscellaneous
- Table salt gets moist during rainy season because
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Table salt is refined salt, which contains about 97 to 99 percent sodium chloride. It usually contains substances that make it free-flowing (anticaking agents) such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate. Because of Hygroscopic nature of salt it become wet in rainy season as the salt absorbs moisture from environment.
Correct Option: D
Table salt is refined salt, which contains about 97 to 99 percent sodium chloride. It usually contains substances that make it free-flowing (anticaking agents) such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate. Because of Hygroscopic nature of salt it become wet in rainy season as the salt absorbs moisture from environment.
- Which of the following is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?
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Graphite is used as a lubricant in heavy machines. it is made of carbon atoms arranged in sheets of hexagonal units - looks a lot like chicken-wire. Another sheet forms on top of this and so on. There is no proper connection (in ideal graphite) between the sheets, so they are able to slide freely over each other without breaking any bonds.
Correct Option: D
Graphite is used as a lubricant in heavy machines. it is made of carbon atoms arranged in sheets of hexagonal units - looks a lot like chicken-wire. Another sheet forms on top of this and so on. There is no proper connection (in ideal graphite) between the sheets, so they are able to slide freely over each other without breaking any bonds.
- Which amidst the following is not a gem stone ?
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A gemstone or gem (also called a precious or semiprecious stone, a fine gem, or jewel) is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However certain rocks (such as lapis lazuli) and organic materials (such as amber or jet) are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their luster or other physical properties that have aesthetic value. Topaz, Opal and Pearl are gemstones but Cat’s-eye is not a gem stone.
Correct Option: A
A gemstone or gem (also called a precious or semiprecious stone, a fine gem, or jewel) is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However certain rocks (such as lapis lazuli) and organic materials (such as amber or jet) are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their luster or other physical properties that have aesthetic value. Topaz, Opal and Pearl are gemstones but Cat’s-eye is not a gem stone.
- The presence of ozone in the stratosphere is responsible for
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Ozone in the ozone layer filters out sunlight wavelengths from about 200 nm UV rays to 315 nm, with ozone peak absorption at about 250 nm. This ozone UV absorption is important to life, since it extends the absorption of UV by ordinary oxygen and nitrogen in air (which absorbs all wavelengths < 200 nm) through the lower UV-C (200 nm-280 nm) and the entire UV-B band (280 nm-315 nm). The small unabsorbed part that remains of UV-B after passage through ozone causes sunburn in humans, and direct DNA damage in living tissues in both plants and animals.
Correct Option: C
Ozone in the ozone layer filters out sunlight wavelengths from about 200 nm UV rays to 315 nm, with ozone peak absorption at about 250 nm. This ozone UV absorption is important to life, since it extends the absorption of UV by ordinary oxygen and nitrogen in air (which absorbs all wavelengths < 200 nm) through the lower UV-C (200 nm-280 nm) and the entire UV-B band (280 nm-315 nm). The small unabsorbed part that remains of UV-B after passage through ozone causes sunburn in humans, and direct DNA damage in living tissues in both plants and animals.
- The advantage of detergents over soaps is
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Soaps are made of materials found in nature. Detergents are synthetic. a big drawback of washing with soap is that the minerals in water react with those in soap, leaving an insoluble film. Detergents react less to minerals in water and for all practical purposes are the product of choice for laundry, unless you have very soft water. On the other hand, soap will combine with the magnesium and calcium ions in hard water to create an insoluble residue that can clog drains and stick to clothing.
Correct Option: C
Soaps are made of materials found in nature. Detergents are synthetic. a big drawback of washing with soap is that the minerals in water react with those in soap, leaving an insoluble film. Detergents react less to minerals in water and for all practical purposes are the product of choice for laundry, unless you have very soft water. On the other hand, soap will combine with the magnesium and calcium ions in hard water to create an insoluble residue that can clog drains and stick to clothing.