Biotechnology and its Applications

  1. Maximum application of animal cell culture technology today is in the production of

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    Correct Option: D


  1. Golden rice is a transgenic crop of the future with the following improved trait:

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    Golden rice is a transgenic crop of the future with high Vit. A content. Millions of people suffer from Vit. A deficiency which leads to vision impairment. Transgenic rice has been developed which is capable of synthesizing beta carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A. The transgenic rice variety is now being crossed with adapted varieties through field tests to make them grow in an year or two.

    Correct Option: D

    Golden rice is a transgenic crop of the future with high Vit. A content. Millions of people suffer from Vit. A deficiency which leads to vision impairment. Transgenic rice has been developed which is capable of synthesizing beta carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A. The transgenic rice variety is now being crossed with adapted varieties through field tests to make them grow in an year or two.

  1. A transgenic food crop’which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries is

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    Golden rice is a transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries. Golden rice or miracle rice is rich in vitamin A or β-carotene and iron. Decaffeinated coffee are also valuable achievements of gene transfer technology.

    Correct Option: D

    Golden rice is a transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries. Golden rice or miracle rice is rich in vitamin A or β-carotene and iron. Decaffeinated coffee are also valuable achievements of gene transfer technology.

  1. Transgenic plants are the ones:

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    Transgenic plants are the ones generated by introducing foreign DNA into a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell.

    Correct Option: A

    Transgenic plants are the ones generated by introducing foreign DNA into a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell.

  1. Genetic engineering has been successfully used for producing:

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    Genetic engineering has been successfully used for producing transgenic mice. Many transgenic mice are designed to increase our understanding of how genes contribute to development of diseases. Transgenic mice are being developed for use in testing the safety of vaccine before they are used in human beings. For example transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of polio vaccine.

    Correct Option: A

    Genetic engineering has been successfully used for producing transgenic mice. Many transgenic mice are designed to increase our understanding of how genes contribute to development of diseases. Transgenic mice are being developed for use in testing the safety of vaccine before they are used in human beings. For example transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of polio vaccine.