High Courts
- Who is authorized to transfer the judges of one High Court to another High Court?
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The President may, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, transfer a judge from one high court to any other high court. When a judge has been or is transferred, he shall, during the period he serves, after the commencement of the Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) act, 1963, as a Judge of the other High Court, be entitled to receive in addition to his salary such compensatory allowance as may be determined by Parliament by law and, until so determined, such compensatory allowance as the President may by order fix.
Correct Option: A
The President may, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, transfer a judge from one high court to any other high court. When a judge has been or is transferred, he shall, during the period he serves, after the commencement of the Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) act, 1963, as a Judge of the other High Court, be entitled to receive in addition to his salary such compensatory allowance as may be determined by Parliament by law and, until so determined, such compensatory allowance as the President may by order fix.
- Which one of the following High Courts has the territorial jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
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Calcutta High court has the territorial jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court in India. It was established as the High Court of Judicature at Fort William on 1 July 1862 under the High Courts Act, 1861.
Correct Option: B
Calcutta High court has the territorial jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court in India. It was established as the High Court of Judicature at Fort William on 1 July 1862 under the High Courts Act, 1861.
- The first High/Supreme Court judge, who voluntarily made his assets public is
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High court judge Justice K Kannanwas the first judge to have voluntarily made his assets public. These include bank deposit (Rs 1.03 lakh), investments (Rs 3.87 lakh) and his wife's bank deposit (Rs 10.59 lakh).
Correct Option: C
High court judge Justice K Kannanwas the first judge to have voluntarily made his assets public. These include bank deposit (Rs 1.03 lakh), investments (Rs 3.87 lakh) and his wife's bank deposit (Rs 10.59 lakh).
- Which one of the following is NOT the main jurisdiction of the High Court of a state?
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the high court of India does not have advisory jurisdiction. It has original, appellate and supervisory jurisdiction only.
Correct Option: A
the high court of India does not have advisory jurisdiction. It has original, appellate and supervisory jurisdiction only.
- Which of the following High Courts has the largest number of Benches?
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Guwahati High Court has the largest number of Benches.
The principal seat of the Gauhati High Court is at Guwahati in Assam. The court has 3 outlying benches. These are:
The Kohima bench for Nagaland state.
The Aizawl bench for Mizoram state.
The Itanagar bench for Arunachal Pradesh state.
Former benches, now full fledged high courts:
The Imphal bench(established on 21 January 1972)
(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)
The Agartala bench established on 24 January 1972)
(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)
The Shillong bench established on 4 September 1947)(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)Correct Option: D
Guwahati High Court has the largest number of Benches.
The principal seat of the Gauhati High Court is at Guwahati in Assam. The court has 3 outlying benches. These are:
The Kohima bench for Nagaland state.
The Aizawl bench for Mizoram state.
The Itanagar bench for Arunachal Pradesh state.
Former benches, now full fledged high courts:
The Imphal bench(established on 21 January 1972)
(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)
The Agartala bench established on 24 January 1972)
(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)
The Shillong bench established on 4 September 1947)(Converted to a High Court in March 2013)