Planning in India
- Mahalanobis Commitee was appointed on to deal with
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Mahalanobis committee is known as " Distribution of Income and Levels of Living" and it was set up in 1960 to find an answer to the question that who was benefitted by the first and second five year plans, as there was no substantial increase in the per capita income of the people.
Correct Option: C
Mahalanobis committee is known as " Distribution of Income and Levels of Living" and it was set up in 1960 to find an answer to the question that who was benefitted by the first and second five year plans, as there was no substantial increase in the per capita income of the people.
- Who presides over National Development Council ?
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The National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parisad is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, presided over by the Prime Minister. It was set up on 6 August 1952 to strengthen and mobilize the effort and resource of the nation in support of the plan, to promote common economic policies in all vital spheres, and to ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country. The Council comprises the Prime Minister, the Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Minsters of all States of their substitutes, representatives of the Union Territories and the members of the Planning Commission.
Correct Option: B
The National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parisad is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, presided over by the Prime Minister. It was set up on 6 August 1952 to strengthen and mobilize the effort and resource of the nation in support of the plan, to promote common economic policies in all vital spheres, and to ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country. The Council comprises the Prime Minister, the Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Minsters of all States of their substitutes, representatives of the Union Territories and the members of the Planning Commission.
- Which of the following programmes is launched to develop basic infrastructure in the country ?
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Bharat Nirman programme is launched to develop basic infrastructure in the country.
Correct Option: A
Bharat Nirman programme is launched to develop basic infrastructure in the country.
- The Rural infrastructure fund set up in 1995 - 96, is maintained by the
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The Rural infrastructure fund was set up by the Government in 1995 - 96 for financing ongoing rural infrastructure projects. The Fund is maintained by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Domestic commercial banks contribute to the fund to the extent of their shortfall in stipulated priority sector lending to agriculture.
Correct Option: C
The Rural infrastructure fund was set up by the Government in 1995 - 96 for financing ongoing rural infrastructure projects. The Fund is maintained by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Domestic commercial banks contribute to the fund to the extent of their shortfall in stipulated priority sector lending to agriculture.
- The concept of sustainable development relates to
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Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is a case of intergenerational equity in respect of use of natural resources.
Correct Option: C
Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is a case of intergenerational equity in respect of use of natural resources.