Nature of Indian Economy

  1. Consider the following systems :
    (1) Introduction of portfolio system in the Executive.
    (2) Establishment of a Federal public service commission.
    (3) Separation of provincial budgets from the central budget for the first time.
    Which of the systems given above was/were provided by the government of India, Act 1935 ?

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    The limited advisory function accorded to the Public Service Commission and the continued stress on this aspect by the leaders of our freedom movement resulted in the setting up of a Federal Public Service Commission under the Government of India Act, 1935.

    Correct Option: B

    The limited advisory function accorded to the Public Service Commission and the continued stress on this aspect by the leaders of our freedom movement resulted in the setting up of a Federal Public Service Commission under the Government of India Act, 1935. The Federal Public Service Commission became the Union Public Service Commission after Independence. The portfolio system in the Executive was introduced by the Indian constitution council act, 1861. The separation of provincial budgets from the central budget was introduced by the Indian councils Act, 1919.

  1. Consider the following statements .
    (1) Fiat money is a term used for Gold coins
    (2) Currency Deposits Ratio is the proportion of the total deposits commercial banks keep as reserves.
    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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    Currency notes and coins are called fiat money. They don't have intrinsic value like a gold or silver coin. The currency-deposit ratio measures the relationship between the cash people have on hand and what they have in their accounts.

    Correct Option: D

    Currency notes and coins are called fiat money. They don't have intrinsic value like a gold or silver coin. The currency-deposit ratio measures the relationship between the cash people have on hand and what they have in their accounts.

  1. Which of the following is are the functions of the national Development Council of India ?
    (1) To prescribe guidelines for preparation of the national economic plan,
    (2) To review the working of the national economic plan from time to time,
    (3) To consider important questions of social and economic policy affecting national development .
    Select the correct answer using the codes given below ?

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    The National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parishad is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, Presided over by the prim Minister.

    Correct Option: D

    The National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parishad is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, Presided over by the prim Minister. The functions of the Council are to prescribe guidelines for the formulation of the National plan; to consider the National Commission; to consider important questions of social and economic policy affecting national development and to review the working of the Plan from time to time and to recommend such measures as are necessary for achieving the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.

  1. Consider the following statements in regard to 'Inflation Index bonds'?
    (1) Investment in these bonds is more risky as these bonds increase the inflation risk attached to the investment.
    (2) It is better financial instrument compared to gold to hedge the risk rising out of volatile economy.
    Which of the statements given above is are correct?

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    Inflation-indexed bonds are bonds where the principal is indexed to inflation. They are thus designed to cut out the inflation risk of an attached to the investment, These bonds thus decrease the inflation risk attached to the investment. Moreover these bonds are a better hedge than gold in a volatile economy as gold does.

    Correct Option: D

    Inflation-indexed bonds are bonds where the principal is indexed to inflation. They are thus designed to cut out the inflation risk of an attached to the investment, These bonds thus decrease the inflation risk attached to the investment. Moreover these bonds are a better hedge than gold in a volatile economy as gold does.

  1. Consider the following statements in regard to the GDP of a country :
    (1) Real GDP is calculated by keeping inflation into consideration.
    (2) Nominal GDP is calculated on the basis of the prices of goods and services produced in the current year.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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    Real Gross Domestic Product (real GDP) is a macroeconomic measure of the value of economic output adjusted for price changes ( i.e., inflation or deflation ). Nominal gross domestic product is defined as the market value of all final goods produced in a geographical region.

    Correct Option: C

    Real Gross Domestic Product (real GDP) is a macroeconomic measure of the value of economic output adjusted for price changes ( i.e., inflation or deflation ). Nominal gross domestic product is defined as the market value of all final goods produced in a geographical region.