Html miscellaneous

  1. Which element defines a title of the Work?

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    Correct Option: C

    For using, abbreviation or acronym <abbr> element is helpful. The contact details for author of a page is specified by <address> attribute. A section which is quoted from another source is specified by <blockquote>. The tittle of a Work is defined by <cite> elements, usually it displays in italics.

  1. For smaller text which element is used?

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    Correct Option: A

    min is an attribute for input method for inserting minimum value. smaller text is define by <small>element. <em> is used for emphasis usually it is display in italics.

  1. All attribute declarations begin with the keyword ____________ followed by the element name, attribute name, attribute type, and default data information.

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    Correct Option: D

    The ATTLIST declarations identify which element types may have attributes, what type of attributes they may be, and what the default value of the attributes are. Syntax is <!ATTLIST elementName attributeName dataType default >. XML and HTML are web markup language used to design and create web pages. SGML stands for Standard Generalized Markup Language.

  1. The ________ declaration specifies which characters and delimiters may appear in the application.

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    Correct Option: A

    XML(Extensible Markup Language) and HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) are web markup language used to design and create web pages. The DTD defines the syntax of markup constructs. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a standard for how to specify a document markup language or tag set. Such a specification is itself a document type definition (DTD). SGML is metadata.

  1. The __________ defines the syntax of markup constructs and include additional definitions such as character entity references.

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    Correct Option: B

    SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a standard for how to specify a document markup language or tag set. Property of an element is defined by the attribute. The DTD defines the syntax of markup constructs. The DTD may include additional definitions such as character entity references.