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  1. Given below is a diagrammatic cross section of a single loop of human cochlea:

    Which one of the following options correctly represents the names of three different parts?
    1. B: Tectorial membrane, C: Perilymph, D: Secretory cells
    2. C: Endolymph, D: Sensory hair cells, A: Serum
    3. D: Sensory hair cells, A: Endolymph, B: Tectorial membrane
    4. A: Perilymph, B: Tectorial membrane, C: Endolymph
Correct Option: D

The diagramnatic cross section of a single loop of human cochlea represents the three different partsA- Perilymph B- Tertorial membrane C-Endolymph Cochlea arises from sacculus. It is spirally coiled duct. It is also known as Lagena. It is connected with sacculus by duct of reuniens.

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